We attended and hosted several Back To School events in the Summer of 2023. As the economy worsened, as jobs faded and housing prices surged, we worked hard to gather the necessities children would need to be successful in the classroom. Chief among these were backpacks.
Backpacks have proven very difficult for us to obtain. Nearly every student needs one, yet, there were few available at a price point we could afford. Notebooks, the spiral bound edition every student uses, was another item we had difficulty gathering. Just because gasoline prices were soaring in Southern California, why were student supplies on the rise? How could parents with several kids afford these essentials?
We ventured out to retail stores-pleading our case. Costco, Walmart and various discount retailers were already inundated with requests and their budgets simply didn’t allow for another nonprofit. Still, we remained undeterred and finally, Costco awarded us a gift card for $100.
Our search took us to the streets of Los Angeles where we were jammed shoulder to shoulder in the fashion district. We spent several days searching. Our donors are a precious commodity and we are compelled to spend their contributions in the most efficient way possible. If we cannot secure donated goods, and are forced to purchase items we need, then we are going to do our best to spend their money wisely.
The Fashion District was a good choice. We were able to purchase large, well made backpacks at a reasonable price of $6. The problem was that we has to purchase 600 and this was way over our budget.
How would we manage this? We still had to purchase the other school supplies. What about pencils? Binders? Notebooks and just the basics a student would need?
Like all of us, we made it work. We not only bought, begged and bartered for students in need, but we also gave product to other nonprofit organizations who had their own impoverished families.
There are a lot of organizations that cater to communities in need, but we focus on kids. Few of us have had an easy childhood, but many kids today are having it far more difficult than ever before. To us, advocating for a child is perhaps the greatest calling. We continue to broadcast that secure children make for better adults and we can’t think of a better way to change the world. Thank you for believing in us. Just ask every kid what it means to them to know they have someone in their corner.
Many parents and educators are trying to figure out how to get kids to unplug, how to get them outside, but due to economic reasons, kids have very few reasons to put down their electronic devices.
Machado Family Giving is very concerned about All the children in our communities. The effects of the recent pandemic made us aware of the frailty of many kids. According to the Community Indicators for San Bernardino County, 30,270 students K-12 were identified as homeless during the 2020 school year. This represents 7% of the student population. 91% are living with two or three families in a home due to economic hardship.
Many communities are experiencing the same problems.
Over the years our family has sought out community injustices as it relates to need and we have acted. Three years ago, we supplied hiking boots to our local charities for distribution to the less fortunate. The following year we provided 800 new jackets to people living under bridges and on the streets. At Christmas, we loaded 100 Food Boxes and distributed them to local families transitioning out of a family shelter and into a new home.
Our Backpack Project remains legendary. In 2021, we provided 500 backpacks stuffed with jackets, shoes and hygiene related essentials. Then, working with our local nonprofit partners, we made sure these were delivered to the homeless communities.
Now, we are focusing our efforts to serve children.
Children, irrespective of their origin, deserve love and acceptance. Machado Family Giving Inc. holds the vision to support all children with all the necessities to provide them with a positive and enhanced future.
In order to facilitate this vision, we went out into the community to identify and understand the segment of population we would serve. We went out into the neighborhoods, foster care agencies and visited the family shelters. We went into the tunnels—under the freeways to see first-hand what the homeless population was facing.
Then, members of our family ventured out into the streets to engage with the homeless community to understand how they were providing for their children when they couldn’t sustain themselves. Focusing on our mission to support children gave us a broader perspective of the community needs and a deeper understanding of a child’s needs.
Finally, we went back to the family shelters to engage with the children, and we had the opportunity to directly interact with at-risk children. The interaction with those children gave us a clear vision of the segment of society we wanted to work for – foster children, at risk children and the kids with no place to call home. These are the kids that need support when very few people are going to step in to assist.
We Support All Children With Essentials For A Positive And Enriched Future
We Envision A Powerful Community Where Any Child Has The Opportunity To Thrive Through The Support Of People Who Value Them Like Family.
Our Auntie, Frances Machado Hodge has a soft spot for children and has developed a line of essential oils to help with trauma. She has donated to over fifty organizations and continues to do so today. We are pleased to receive her proprietary blend as we distribute to the children of Southern California.
In July of 2022 Kitty was Diagnosed with breast Cancer. She quickly succumbed to bouts with pain, Fatigue, and then pneumonia. During the late evening of September 18,2022, Kitty lost her battle with breast cancer. She is survived by her sister Tolanda and her six Children Jordan a beautifull little two-Year-old girl, C’Omari a handsome little five-year-old boy, Ari their 7-year-old brother, Ocean their 8-year-old brother, Markail their 10-year-old brother, and their 19-year-old brother Marcellus Linton.
Kitty lost her mother when she was only 19 year old, her older sister Tolanda Hughes raised her. Now it is Tolanda Who is the guardian of kitty’s six children who we call Kitty’s Crew. Marcellus Linton is present in the home. He works and plans to attend college he is a great help to Tolanda.
Tolanda is a Divorcee who has 3 monor children of her own and one adult son who is 26. The family is living in her two-bedroom apartment and the leasing office has indicated that she and the children cannot stay. Since Kitty lived under the government Section 8 program Tolanda will be able to use that system for housing. She is Currently applying for rental properties.
Tolanda must find housing, secure resources to move, obtain furniture (Kitty had so little), provide school supplies, toiletries, underwear, coats, socks etc. The tests for Tolanda will include ongoing financial hurdles and daily logistical challenges but the greatest need is for her to be able to maintain the strength, patience, and civility needed to raise the children.
The gifts that the Machado Family Giving Inc. and their partners have provided will be life alterning for Kitty’s Crew. you see the children have shoes on their feet that they will soon grow out of, underwear on their bottoms, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other essentials but they will all fade, and Tolanda will need to replenish these items. Your gifts are so appreciated. When we Delivered the Financial donation to Tolanda she went so passionately. She was so Relieved she was trembling. We all embraced and reassured her the best of humankind and God’s will are with her always.
The Machado Family Giving Inc. represents the best of humankind, and we will forever be grateful for your contribution ti kitty’s Crew and on behalf of Tolanda Hughes and the crew we are so thankful
This is Tolanda Hughes
The environment children grow up in and the interaction they have at an early age will define a child’s future and their outlook of the world. A secure child will foster a secure adult, and this makes the communities a better place for everybody. That is why, Machado Family Giving Inc. is working with children to support positive experiences in their life.
Together with our family, we spent the end of 2020 by giving back to those in need during theHoliday season. This included 800 new jackets, 100 food boxes, and 75 gift certificates to retail and grocery stores. Our family delivered items personally to families in need and individuals who were experiencing homelessness. We delivered essential items to churches and non-profit organizationswho also valued helping those in need.
As we ventured into 2021, our passion and commitment led us to create a non-profit organization; Machado Family Giving. Our yearly goal was to focus on one of the biggest needs in our community, homelessness. Our purpose was to provide essentials to the homeless population as well as provide temporary shelter for families and children.While providing community outreach, our family delivered essential items to homeless camps, shelters, churches, and non-profit organizations to help those in need.
Items included 500 new jackets, clothing, socks, and 500 new backpacks filled with hygiene products, COVID safety items, 100% Hawaiian essential oil wipes,non-perishable food items,and blankets. We also provided meals and hotel rooms for families in emergency situations.
We successfully made lasting partnerships with community organizations, churches, and shelters. We have brought on passionate donors and volunteers to help us achieve our mission and goal to serve our community by helping those in need.
Machado Family Giving is excited to announce our continued dedication, mission, and vision as we go into 2022.
Stay tuned!!!
2022 was a banner year for Machado Family Giving. As we expanded our reach into our communities, we formed partnerships with more than a dozen nonprofit organizations that share our vision. When children feel secure and have a stable environment, they have a better chance of becoming well balanced adults, which make for better neighbors and this creates better communities. It’s a win-win for everybody.
This past year, we have seen further cuts to programs nourishing children. Social services, a long time advocate for families cannot keep pace with diminishing programs. Parents, many already struggling to survive, just need a helping hand. We see this on a daily basis and have make it a priority in our lives to give back.
With careful planning and strong community bonds, we are making a difference and equally as important, we are making others aware of the tremendous need that exists. One would not have to travel far to sense this void in many kids lives. On a daily basis we receive calls for diapers and clothing. These essentials, rarely considered by many, are just a small part of the struggle many families face.
If you feel the calling, if you have considered helping, but just don’t know how, please contact. Every gesture is important, whether it is through volunteer efforts of monetary donations.
Sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned as our efforts grow in 2021. Have a great cause you’d like to alert us to? Drop us a note to info@machadofamilygiving.com.