Past work Machado Family Giving 2021


Together with our family, we spent the end of 2020 by giving back to those in need during theHoliday season. This included 800 new jackets, 100 food boxes, and 75 gift certificates to retail and grocery stores. Our family delivered items personally to families in need and individuals who were experiencing homelessness. We delivered essential items to churches and non-profit organizationswho also valued helping those in need.


As we ventured into 2021, our passion and commitment led us to create a non-profit organization; Machado Family Giving. Our yearly goal was to focus on one of the biggest needs in our community, homelessness. Our purpose was to provide essentials to the homeless population as well as provide temporary shelter for families and children.While providing community outreach, our family delivered essential items to homeless camps, shelters, churches, and non-profit organizations to help those in need.

Items included 500 new jackets, clothing, socks, and 500 new backpacks filled with hygiene products, COVID safety items, 100% Hawaiian essential oil wipes,non-perishable food items,and blankets. We also provided meals and hotel rooms for families in emergency situations.

We successfully made lasting partnerships with community organizations, churches, and shelters. We have brought on passionate donors and volunteers to help us achieve our mission and goal to serve our community by helping those in need.

Machado Family Giving is excited to announce our continued dedication, mission, and vision as we go into 2022.

Stay tuned!!!

Your Donations and Our Work


• 1,000 kids jackets distributed to the children of our communities

• Formed partnerships with several community nonprofits who support kids in need and at risk

• Donated clothing, diapers, toys, hygiene products to children of Veterans at Camp Pendleton Miramar

• Donated to Warriors for Children Foster Agency diapers, bibs, baby cups and plates

• Donated to The Heart Matters Foster Agency toys and children’s clothing

• Continuing with Food Assistance with the King’s Warrior’s in San Bernardino CA. Served nearly 100 families per week

• Donated clothing, diapers and essentials for children to Restoring Hope in San Bernardino, CA

• Donated clothing and essentials to A Path of Life Ministries in Riverside, CA

• Donated 100 Jackets and 100 backpacks to Faith Lutheran Church in Riverside, CA




JJ & Stephie
